I hate doing the laundry.
I'm not supposed to start posts with 'I hate', right?
I hate it anyway. Especially in winter. Socks everywhere. Why do we have two feet? That EACH need a sock? Ridiculous.
I don't really understand why my little nephew has the urge to 'help' doing the laundry. I might take this cardboard washing machine away from him and make him do my laundry instead.
I could keep the fake one for putting my dirty socks somewhere in case my mom comes over.

For a fake washing machine you'll simply need:
  • A big box. 
  • A biiig roll of the thickest parchment paper.
  • Duct-tape.
  • Hot glue. Lots of it. 
  • One sheet protector for the little window.
  • Masking tape for decorating it a little bit.
  • And for the 'grip' I used a cap of an old nailpolish that I wrapped in parchment paper and a hair tie.
  • Tadaaaaaaaa!

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