So on Monday the bus was packed with children holding massive paper cones filled with stuff that makes their teeth die. And let's not forget their huge ass backpacks containing I don't even know what. That was pretty lame. 
What's not lame: My darling sister went back to work on Monday with a tiny Schultüte. She spent the last 15 months or so wiping cute Nugget's (calm down, that's not his real name) butt and looking at tractors. So she well deserved a paper cone filled with sweets, office-appropriate nailpolish and more sweets. She knows how to brush her teeth so that's okay.
My sister gifted me my first Schultüte when I had my first day of school at the age of six. She hand-drew Pocahontas on it herself. (Crying right now.)
Later, when I had my second attempt of going to university, she also made one for me. 
This time it was my turn. Not only because she's leading by two cones but also because she's a super sissy and a super momma! And because juggling work, doing important things for Digitalistas and feeding a tiny human with (mini) portions of food deserves some respect. (Crying even more now.)

1 comment:

Dieter Rappold said...

The food portions are not so mini ;-) great piece you wrote!