Let's talk workout. 
Actually, I don't have much to say besides that I'm really bad at working out. And I'm not saying that because that's what every girl with an accidental six pack says. (I don't have a six pack.)
 I shall give you an example: back in the days when I first moved out I thought I need to start doing adult things. I basically had no money because I spent it all on rent and cleaning supplies (LOVE cleaning supplies. I will write a post about that.) but I still had to act grown up. So I signed up at this okay-but-not-too-fancy gym. It cost a bit more than those super cheap ones but that meant that every treadmill had its own TV. Fantastic! So I went there about six or seven times. Within a year. Money not well spent.
Another story: About two months before it was time for that beach vacation this year I got a panic attack and that little belly of mine started talking to me. "Ninaaa, if you keep being lazy I will get bigger and bigger and you will look shit in leggings." So I did this 7 minute workout every other day plus 100 crunches. Didn't help much. During vacation I stuffed myself with Souvlaki and after vacation I continued doing the same but with burgers.
Things are changing soon. Cause I do like wearing gym clothes and this gives me hope that I soon will be entering a gym. 
Guess I did have much to say.

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